July 22, 2019 - Keywords
Bridging the gap between SEO & IT
As a Creative Marketing Agency, we work on all kinds of projects, and they come to us at a lot of different stages. One of the most common issues we see is when IT projects come to us almost complete but have not implemented a basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) setup.
We then have to go back, usually for an additional cost – thousands of dollars – and set up things like meta-tags, alt tags, correct page titles, keyword enriched URLs and, importantly, website architecture. Such a misstep can break the back of a startup or a young company, and it’s tragic to see – especially for something you can do right the first time.
June 9, 2017 - Keywords
5 SEO Tips for Content Management System Websites
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an ongoing task for all businesses; however, most people miss that SEO strategy can be different for dynamic or CMS-driven sites than static websites. Dynamic websites use templates pulling content from a database, whereas every page exists as a file on a server on static websites. This CMS-driven strategy offers different challenges for SEO experts.
Here are five tips to improve your SEO approach to CMS-driven websites: