Marketing - Page 2 of 4

November 17, 2017 - Marketing
How To Market To Stand The Test Of Time
Marketing has become a complicated endeavor. The two major platforms we have to reach your customers online are Facebook and Google – and it seems like you need a degree in both to be able to operate their marketing software. Add to the fact the interfaces seem to always changing (most of the time unnecessarily, in my opinion)
A lot of businesses owners don’t have the expertise or the time to be able to effectively manage these platforms so they hire Google or Facebook experts to do their online marketing for them.

October 27, 2017 - Marketing
Youtube Advertisers Are Going Crazy…
Companies are always struggling to get noticed. They want to stand above the crowd, find their target audience, and eventually sell to them. The advertisement world has changed drastically over the last 10 years with many companies using social media and Google marketing in the place of newspaper advertising and direct mail.
Youtube is the second largest search engine on the internet (Google being number one) so naturally, companies want a piece of that. Astoundingly, every minute more than 400 hours of video are being uploaded to Youtube. That’s a crazy amount of content. And video marketing is quickly growing with $2 billion being spent on Youtube alone per year.
With so many users streaming content, it can be very difficult to regulate and so it’s become a bit of Wild West for both content providers and advertisers.

June 9, 2017 - Marketing
5 SEO Tips for Content Management System Websites
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an ongoing task for all businesses; however, most people miss that SEO strategy can be different for dynamic or CMS-driven sites than static websites. Dynamic websites use templates pulling content from a database, whereas every page exists as a file on a server on static websites. This CMS-driven strategy offers different challenges for SEO experts.
Here are five tips to improve your SEO approach to CMS-driven websites:

December 10, 2016 - Marketing
3 Marketing Lessons From Westworld
HBO has been on the forefront of storytelling and television for the past two decades. Their newest show, Westworld inspired by Michael Cricton’s 70’s movie, is a big-budget, star-studded, special-effects-driven series that has all the elements to make it a huge success. However, beneath the entertainment there are many great marketing lessons to be learned. I’m going to outline a few here.

November 21, 2016 - Marketing
How To Overcome the Top 3 Challenges Facing Small Businesses
It’s that time of year to start thinking about your business plan. What do you wish to accomplish? How are you going to expand your endeavours?
Wasp Barcode Technologies, an American firm, recently surveyed more than 1,000 small businesses and produced a report showing some interesting challenges that many small business problems are commonly shared. Over 50% of companies say that hiring is their most difficult challenge, followed by cash flow. Now, it’s more challenging than ever before to fight against big business and overseas companies, so we’ve compiled some ways to combat these problems.

October 21, 2016 - Marketing
How to Hit Your Online Marketing Like Katniss Everdeen
Do you remember that scene in Hunger Games when Katniss practices hitting the target with a bow and arrow? The evil Capital Oversees aren’t even paying attention to her until she hits an apple out of a boar’s mouth. Her defiance silences everybody in the room.
Wouldn’t it be great if your marketing would make everybody stand up and take notice? We’re here to teach you how to create a digital marketing strategy; here are five things you need to do to make people take note.

August 29, 2016 - Marketing
What’s New With Instagram?
There are so many new updates to Instagram it’s hard to keep track. Facebook, which owns Instagram, seems to be rolling them out rapidly. I guess when you are THE original social site, implementing changes quickly isn’t that difficult.
There are a couple of recent changes that will have a big impact on how you use Instagram for business.

August 15, 2016 - Marketing
Gamify Your Content Marketing Strategy
If we use the analogy of the product life cycle, content marketing is now past the early adopters’ stage and into the early majority. So many companies are using content marketing to engage and attract customers. But most companies don’t have the resources to use an effective long-term content marketing strategy. Often they get impatient with the results and move on to other strategies.
Content marketing is very much like water. If you heat it, you get what you expect; hot water. However, when it reaches a boiling point, something powerful happens. You can power boats, ships, and even cars. Steam engines allowed us to industrialize and move goods over long distances in a short period. Your content marketing strategy can be steam-driven if you give it the time to boil.