Some people will be stuck in the old way of thinking and doing things. They won’t be willing or able to adapt. But hopefully, people will realize soon how quickly the world is changing. Hopefully, people will realize it starts off with how and what we learn, starting from when we are young.
We cannot beat machines at their own game — that is regurgitating facts and figures from dusty textbooks. Machines will always be smarter than us. They’ll be able to do tasks quickly and more efficiently than us. They’ll be able to outthink us and retain information faster and better than even Einstein or Stephen Hawking.
The question is then how will we thrive in the next century? We already know we can’t beat them at their own game so we need to figure out another way. A way to co-exist with artificial intelligence. The answer lies in creativity — something a machine can’t’ do nearly as a human.
We need to be experts in something I call cross colleterial thinking. This is a way of using different experiences, emotions, thoughts, and ideas to come up with something truly original and unique. In other words, working creatively.
Most geniuses throughout history were cross colleterial thinkers. Leonardo Va Vinci took what he learned about mathematics and science to apply it to painting. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe took what he knew from anatomy, science, and applied it to literature.
We need to emphasize creativity over intelligence, especially in our schools. IQ doesn’t matter anymore. Creativity is what’s most important. Those who are most creative will be the highest paid. They will be the next CEOs, the next billionaires, the next leaders.
We need to train ourselves to be independent thinkers, to not fall into patterns or groups — both of which computers excel in. We should look at our jobs with critical eyes, analyzing processes, tasks, and even management.
We, like computers, love patterns, groups, and sameness. We naturally herd together and form societies. Nobody likes to stick out, be trendsetters, or different from everybody else. The reason is simple: it’s not easy. Lowering your head and hoping nobody notices you is easy. Being a leader, a creative, now that is hard. But that’s the exactly the type of thinking we need in order to thrive in the AI Revolution.
The next question is how do we become cross collateral thinkers? We need to try different areas, take in new experiences. Don’t fall into the humdrum of office life. Take a course on astronomy, study computer coding, sit in on a lecture about history. Soak in as much knowledge as you can. Be curious about everything around you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
When you broaden your knowledge base you’ll find somethings may surprise you. You might find you’re really interested in fashion or music or architecture. And you’ll find interesting ways of incorporating that knowledge into your daily routine.
Learn a soft skill like how to become a leader. Excelling in soft skills is something a computer cannot do. Leading people involves a lot of nuances machines can’t pick up. It is a great skill to have. Or you can learn about deep and meaningful communication. Soft skills will be the most desired trait in a worker.
The AI Revolution seems bleak at times, but if we prepare ourselves — and our children — we can work towards a better society, one that peacefully co-exists with machines. It’s coming whether we like it or not.